A Gift of Memories through a Photoshoot


A Gift of Memories through a Photoshoot

They are not just another cancer story

In the home Lifestyle Photography -
Black and White Collection

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   I walked into John and Wendy's home to find 2 sweet kids playing on a huge sectional couch. Wendy had their home spotless and decorated with things that don't scream "department store" but "this is who my family is."

   My local hospital had gotten us in touch... I have a kind lady on the inside that will pass my info onto cancer patients who she feels as though could use a photoshoot as a way to express themselves, or preserve a moment and then we gift them with that- the shoot, the images, all of it. John was the second gentleman this year she's gotten me in contact with who had terminal cancer.

   His wife Wendy was willing to sneak away from home for an hour of so for a good cup of coffee and to tell me about who they are as a family and how she imagined them being captured for one of the last times. Wendy used to work at The Time Herald so she's no stranger to photography. I was instantly excited for her to have a chance to be in front of the camera with her family. And her requests were simple- capture us doing every day things we love to do together. The tradition that was top on her list was getting John tucking the kids into bed, like he always does- immortalizing those moments that are pure and so simple.

   The day of I took a back seat as this family of 4 bonded over board games, baking cookies, or simply cuddling on the couch together.

   We ended the shoot with John tucking the kids into bed. At this moment, with the camera protecting me, creating a barrier between real life and photography, it sunk in that someday soon these kids wouldn't have their Dad there and I had to remind myself- this isn't your time to break down, Autumn. You are here to do a job for this family, you have a gift you want to give them and you need to make yourself numb right now, and so I did.  

   I watched as Wendy had this carefree way of making this serious man in front of the camera laugh so easily and lower his guard as they talked about their first date. I saw how much he enjoyed talking dolls with his daughter and listening to his son read. Surrounding them were picture books of their own photographs showing family vacations and fun times. That home was filled with air clouded with love.

   Less than two weeks later John unexpectedly passed away, but his memory surely lives on, strongly, as the husband who supported his wife in her dreams, and the Dad who smelled stinky toes and flexed his Superman muscles.   


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Check out our Full Family Gallery!

Check out all the love in The Werner Families Photoshoot!

To see another Memorable Shoot we gifted check out Mark's Blog!


Senior Session or Fashion Editorial... You decide.


Senior Session or Fashion Editorial... You decide.

Bohemian Senior Session-
grace in your heart and flowers in your hair

Pro Golfer worthy shots at Lakeview Hills Golf Course

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   Flowers in her long blond hair, wind and sunshine dancing on her skin. Sam's photoshoot was one of the first shoots we did this year and it set the beauty bar high! Not only is she gorgeous she's genuinely the sweetest!

   We had a total girls day- picking flowers, going to the beach, and then ending the day with ice cream after our shoot! Oh, we also did a little golfing, and off-roading on the gold course.

   Sam really wanted her images to feel warm, and have that "glow" so it figures the day of her shoot clouds had been covering the sky all day. I assured her photoshop could fix what mother nature left out for us and we decided to do the shoot. When we walked out to the field to shoot we had no idea we were going to find an elegant explosion of wild flowers. It was honestly the best surprise. We had no idea this outfit was going to turn out THIS stunning, sometimes you have to ditch your plans and just let things flow and follow what feels right.

  After that we shot at the Lakeview Hills Golf Course where we had 9 holes completely to ourselves, and a cart to explore with! I love how professional she looks in all of those portraits, not to mention the look of a true athlete.

   We ended on the beach with HIGH winds. The waves were crashing at least 15 feet up the side of the rocks. It was amazing to watch, and a little intimidating. Normally you wouldn't think hurricane winds would be ideal conditions for a Senior Beauty Photoshoot but I was instantly excited about it! Her hair flew everywhere- it really gave the portraits that organic, care free vibe, not to mention a look you just can't create on a normal day. And then finally... like she hoped, the sun peeked out and we ended on that magical note.

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Check out our full Senior Album!

Love the Flower child feel? Check out Katelyn's Senior Photoshoot!

For more beach beauty check out Nathalie Senior Session!


Just a couple of country kids.


Just a couple of country kids.

A love that's country song worthy.

Couple celebrates their love
with a natural, back road photo shoot.

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   That goofy in love stage. Not many keep that feeling alive, but Brad and Melissa act like they’re still 2 young kids on one of their first dates, and it’s adorable to photograph.
   They wanted to keep it simple, and true to who they are. They told me of the stories of when they first met and how they didn’t have a lot of money so they spent a lot of time on the back roads.
  They would buy a case of beer, fill up the cooler, head out, fish, cruise, and just enjoy each other.    It was so low key and sweet to recreate that. And of course the beers were real, because, I mean, we’re going 100% authentic here!
   Watching Melissa stick her tongue out at Brad and Brad scoopher up in his arms and spin her in the middle of the dusty road as the sun set off in the distance, it was super easy to capture that emotion of love because it was so obviously still alive in them!
   And then to celebrate we cracked a cold one open in the middle of the studio driveway afterwards. Perfect way to end the night.

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Check out our full lovers gallery!

If you like this country feel check out this Zack and Jens winter engagement session!

For more outdoor lovers check out Chris & Becca's photoshoot!


May I offer this act of sacrifice to you


May I offer this act of sacrifice to you

White Rock in Lake Huron, Michigan

An artistic adventure out to the sacred
Indian Rock- White Rock.

A sacred rock in Lake Huron marking the divide in territory between the white men and Indians back in the 1800s still sits in the water today, poking only it's head above water, known as White Rock.To show their appreciation of nature to the Great Spirit, Gitchi Manitou, Indians would take their game and food sacrificed and place it on the rock. People still make offerings on this rock today. In years to pass the Indians warned the white men to not trespass on the sacred rock, but they didn't all obey the call. The tale tells of White men arriving in a canoe and only 1 man who remained in the water surviving, while the others who went on the rock to dance were struck by lightening.

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40 minutes later and we arrive by truck to the entry point of White Rock. What should be stairs leading down to the water is now an outlook spot with orange fencing and a sign that reads STAIRS CLOSED, do not enter. You can tell that the stairs that reach 30 ft above the shoreline are pulling away from their main structure and have a slight lean to them. We decide the risk is worth it and we hop the fence with our paddle boards. 4 flights down and we reach the empty beach, with White Rock off in the distance. It may be small but it's presence is mighty.

We turn around to realize our rebellion has encourage others to follow our lead and we're no longer alone. That all changes when we push off shore and into the Lake. We are again detached from what feels like the rest of the world. 

We paddle out 20 ft, 50 ft, 100ft from shore. Every push through the water gets us closer and closer to that feeling of freedom, with that feeling of familiarity still not too far behind us, as bottom is close and the crystal clear water allows us to enjoy what's underfoot. I watch as the birds perched on top of the rock scatter in unison. 1/2 mile out and White Rock is now directly in front of us and we have a choice to make- to trespass or not. We've already dismissed what the White Man tried to tell us and trespassed to get to the Lake, but in this moment I trust the Indians more than the White Man... I trust their tales, and I don't see them intimidating me with false fear. They know to respect the Land, and while I am here I will listen to them. 

With that being said I had this urge to show my thanks to the land too and in an essence "sacrifice myself" near the rock to nature and all that it has given me in this life. I entered the water, stood near the rock, and raised my arms to Mother Nature. I give myself to you. Thank You for your gifts. 

The wind blew and we fought to paddle back, but we made it, back up the leaning stairs, back over the orange fence, and back into the White Man's territory- where they tell you to stay off a leaning staircase for your own safety, but they will trespass on a sacred rock. Oh, we have so much to learn. I'll take my chances on the stairs, boys.      

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And thennnnn you just have to release your inner fashionista while floating on top of the waves of then lake.

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Check out more of my Self Portraits!